One monthly fee, unlimited bidding

Active Bidding $50/month+
Skip Bidding $10/month*
+ Billed the 3rd of each month prior to the start of the bid period
* To receive a reduced monthly fee in any month where you will not create a bidding plan, you must check the "Skip Bidding" checkbox on the account page PRIOR to the 3rd of the month for the bid period.
Refund Policy
If there is any logical error with the BidNav system that causes it to produce a bid that does not match the options selected by the user, then the user may have cause to request a refund or credit, to be applied toward future subscription fees, of that month's fees only. Please review the License Agreement and the Service Level Agreement of the BidNav service for full details, including the process to request a refund or credit.

Happy Pilots
SFO Pilot Thank you BidNav. You have enabled a new hire to achieve scheduling flexibility beyond what I thought possible. SFO First Officer, 737
EWR Pilot Thanks for a successful first month using BidNav. I achieved my day off goals for July and got some other things I was aiming for... and in a very constrained month! EWR First Officer, 756
LAX Pilot I am loving this software! LAX First Officer, 737
SFO Pilot Nice work on September, nailed it SFO First Officer, 400
ORD Pilot Thank you for your assistance last month. That was a complicated bid and things worked out better than expected. ORD First Officer, 737
EWR Pilot I got exactly the schedule that I wanted. Thanks again for making my life so much easier when it comes to bidding! EWR Captain, 756
SFO Pilot Thank goodness you guys exist. I am in foreign waters with this stuff! SFO Captain, 737
EWR Pilot Your system was a great guide for a first timer and was not difficult to figure out. EWR First Officer, 756
ORD Pilot I've recommended BidNav to other pilots and have enjoyed using it. ORD First Officer, 737
SFO Pilot Your customer service and professional attention to my needs have earned my continued business but more importantly my trust! SFO First Officer, 737
EWR Pilot You guys have been so helpful in the few months I've used you so far! EWR Captain, 756
LAX Pilot I appreciate the awesome customer support! LAX First Officer, 737
SFO Pilot BidNav paid for itself and then some right out of the gate. The phone support was very much appreciated as well. SFO Captain, 756
EWR Pilot I'm impressed that you reached out to help on my first night signed up! Thanks for that. EWR First Officer, 756